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Alena A. Rodman

Curriculum Vitae 



Ph. D.       Social Psychology          

             University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA

Advisor - Prof. Martie G. Haselton


A. L. M.    Psychology         

             Harvard University Extension School - Cambridge, MA

Advisor - Prof. Max M. Krasnow


B. A.          Psychology         

             Fort Lewis College - Durango, CO       





Notary Public

Colorado Secretary of State


Quickbooks Online Advanced ProAdvisor

& Payroll ProAdvisor

Intuit, Inc.


Google Data Analytics

Google, Inc. & Coursera





Statistics & Programing

R, SQL (BigQuery), SPSS, Python (PANDAS, web scraping)


Research Tools

Qualtrics, Google Analytics, E-Prime, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Datavyu


Data Visualization

Tableau, Google Data Studio, RStudio


Microsoft Office & Google Apps

Word/Docs, Excel/Sheets, Powerpoint, Access, etc.


Accounting & Tax Preparation

Quickbooks Online, Quickbooks Desktop, Quickbooks Point of Sale, Quickbooks Payroll, Intuit Lacerte, Intuit ProConnect



Work Experience 


Owner, Accountant, & Business Analyst          2019 - Present

Animas Accounting, LLC – Durango, CO

  • Mange all accounting and bookkeeping for several small-to-medium sized businesses, including categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, creating estimates, A/R, A/P, managing payroll, and providing financial reports using QuickBooks

  • Create advanced business analyses and use visualizations to present findings to owners and management teams, including cash flow forecasts, A/B hypothesis testing, KPI metrics, cost analyses, pricing systems, and budgets


Accounting Manager          2018 – Present 

Durango Nursery & Supply Inc. – Durango, CO

  • Manage all bookkeeping for a multi-million dollar retail/wholesale garden center

  • Use Excel and R to create and clean datasets, run KPI analyses and projections, and create engaging visualizations to educate owner and management on financials

  • Manage payroll in conjunction with a local payroll company for a team of over 20 employees

  • Perform HR functions including setting wages, developing hiring paperwork, creating internal handbooks/policies, and managing unemployment claims


Tax Preparation Assistant          2020 – 2021 

Beekman Financial Group – Durango, CO

  • Prepared tax returns for individuals, Schedule-C businesses, corporations, and partnerships

  • Performed research and implemented current tax laws with minimal supervision under a CPA

  • Used Quickbooks to prepare business financials for taxes, including performing adjusting journal entries and generating advanced reports


PhD. Student Teaching and Research Associate          2017 – 2018

University of California, Los Angeles – UCLA

  • Conducted multiple studies on biological and psychological research, resulting in two peer-reviewed articles in esteemed scientific journals

  • Gathered, cleaned, and analyzed large-scale datasets using Excel, SQL, R, and SPSS, and developed visualizations and reports for both technical and non-technical audiences

  • Assisted in teaching undergraduate courses and mentoring students


Laboratory Manager          2016 – 2017

Harvard Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory – Cambridge, MA   

  • Managed daily administrative operations and coded lab website

  • Coordinated shipping and receiving of lab supplies, submitted expense reports to the accounting department, processed vendor invoices, and managed reimbursements for purchases and travel


Research & Faculty Assistant          2015 – 2017

Harvard Laboratory for Developmental Studies – Cambridge, MA    

  • Performed advanced technical writing and editing for academic publications

  • Supervised and trained undergraduate research assistants


Research Assistant          2015 – 2017

Harvard Evolutionary Psychology Laboratory – Cambridge, MA

  • Designed and conducted research with adults, children, and individuals with developmental disabilities, in online, university, and hospital settings, and managed a team of research assistants

  • Scraped, organized, coded, analyzed, and visually presented data for publication in books and academic papers    



Publications & Presentations


Peer-Reviewed Articles​​


Mehr, S. A., Singh, M., Knox, D., Ketter, D. M., Pickens-Jones, D., Atwood, S., Lucas, C., Jacobi, N., Egner, A. A., Hopkins, E. J., Howard, R. M., Hartshorne, J. K., Jennings, M. V., Simson, J., Banbridge, C. M., Pinker, S., O’Donnell, T. J., Krasnow, M. M., & Glowacki, L. (2019). Universality and diversity in human song. Science, 366(6468). 


Kotler, J., Mehr, S. A., Egner, A. A., Haig, D., & Krasnow, M. M. (2019). Response to vocal music in Angelman syndrome contrasts with Prader-Willi syndrome. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(5), 420-426. 


Conference Talks


Mehr, S. A., Singh, M., Knox, D., Ketter, D. M., Pickens-Jones, D., Atwood, S., Lucas, C., Egner, A. A., Jacoby, N., Hopkins, E. J., Howard, R. M., O’Donnell, T. J., Pinker, S., Krasnow, M. M., & Glowacki, L. (May 2019). A natural history of song. Talk presented at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA.


Mehr, S. A., Singh, M., Knox, D., Ketter, D. M., Pickens-Jones, D., Atwood, S., Lucas, C., Egner, A. A., Jacoby, N., Hopkins, E. J., Howard, R. M., O’Donnell, T. J., Pinker, S., Krasnow, M. M., & Glowacki, L. (April 2019). A natural history of song. Talk presented at the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association Annual Conference, Toulouse, France.


Kotler, J., Mehr, S. A., Egner, A. A., Haig, D., Krasnow, M. M. (June 2017). Evaluating the origins of music in individuals with imprinting disorders. Paper presented at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boise, ID, USA.


Howard, R. M., Spokes, A., Mehr, S. A., Egner, A. A. & Krasnow, M. M. (January 2017). Welfare tradeoff ratios in children. Paper presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development. Budapest, Hungary.


Conference Posters


Egner, A. A. & Krasnow, M. M. (May 2018). The effects of life history strategy on individual differences in sexual selection. Poster presented at the California Workshop on Evolutionary Social Sciences. Santa Barbara, CA, USA.


Egner, A. A. & Krasnow, M. M. (June 2017). The effects of life history strategy on individual differences in sexual selection. Poster presented at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boise, ID, USA.



Academic Awards, Honors, & Funding


Harvard Extension School Thesis Grant

UCLA Palevsky Graduate Fellowship

UCLA University Fellowship

Harvard Extension School Grant

Harvard Summer Scholarship

Fort Lewis College Dean's List

Fort Lewis College Presidential Scholarship



Teaching & Academic Service


Teaching Assistant - UCLA Psych 10 - Introductory Psychology

Mentor - UCLA Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship

Psychology Representative - UCLA Biological Sciences Council 





Webinar Interview - Harvard Extension School Career Path Spotlight: Pathway to a PhD

Radio Interview - Deadline LA KPFK 90.7FM - Academics Writing for Wikipedia

Podcast Interview - The Reality and Brutally Honest Truth about Special Needs Planning. Episode 2: Harvard University Music Study



Research Experience


Ph.D. Student Researcher

UCLA Evolutionary Psychology Laboratory        August 2017 – August 2018

P.I. – Prof. Martie G. Haselton


The effects of hormonal contraceptives on ovulatory shifts in mate preferences: A meta-analysis

Egner, A. A., Haselton, M. G. (on hold).​


  • Began gathering and meta-analyzing published and unpublished data on the effects that hormonal contraceptives have on shifts in female mate preferences across the ovulatory cycle

  • Used Bayesian statistics and p-curve analyses

  • Received funding support from the UCLA Department of Psychology for the project


The microbiome and attraction

Egner, A. A. & Haselton, M. G. (on hold).​​​


  • Designed a research program on the effects of the skin microflora on the attractiveness of scent and appearance in humans, and the effects of the ovulatory cycle on changes in skin microflora



Research Assistant

Harvard University Laboratory for Developmental Studies        October 2015 – May 2017

P.I. – Prof. Elizabeth Spelke


Replication and extension of “Shared musical knowledge in 11-month-old infants” 

Egner, A. A., Mehr, S. A., & Spelke, E. S. (on hold).​


  • Lead all aspects of a replication study including:

  • Designing new conditions and study materials

  • Recruiting, training, and testing all infants and their families

  • Coding infant gaze data

  • Supervising and training research assistants on testing and coding procedures


Origins of the concepts cause, cost, and goal in prereaching infants



Liu, S., Brooks, N. B., & Spelke, E. S. (2019). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.​


  • Ran all tests with 3-month-old infants and their families

  • Trained and supervised undergraduate assistants


Infant-directed song regulates infant arousal

Mehr, S. A., & Spelke, E. S. (on hold).​


  • Assisted with development, creation, and piloting of study

  • Recruited and tested over 80 infants and their families

  • Coded infant facial expression and gaze data

  • Supervised undergraduate assistants on data coding


Shared musical knowledge in 11-month-old infants



Mehr, S. A., & Spelke, E. S. (2017). Developmental Science.​


  • Coded infant gaze data

  • Supervised undergraduate assistants on data coding



Research Assistant

Harvard University Evolutionary Psychology Laboratory        July 2015 – May 2017

P.I. – Prof. Max M. Krasnow


Life history strategy predicts individual differences in sexually selected traits



Egner, A. A. (2019). Masters Thesis. â€‹


  • Created original hypotheses and online survey study design

  • Wrote and piloted survey to tailor questions to specific sexes, genders, and

    sexualities before gathering 300 participants from M-Turk

  • Cleaned, organized, and analyzed, and created visualizations for all data

  • Wrote up results for masters thesis and presented at multiple conferences


Response to vocal music in Down Syndrome

Egner, A. A., Mehr, S. A., Kotler, J., & Krasnow, M. M. (on hold).​


  • Lead research on all aspects of the study, including:

  • Traveled to test children with Down Syndrome at their schools

  • Designed and implemented developmentally appropriate testing materials

  • Supervised research assistants


Response to vocal music in Angelman Syndrome contrasts with Prader-Willi Syndrome 



Kotler, J. L., Mehr, S. A., Egner, A. A., Haig, D. & Krasnow, M. M. (2019). Evolution and Human Behavior​.


  • Assisted in testing participants with Angelman Syndrome and their families at Harvard University and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

  • Assisted in designing and creating study materials appropriate for the developmental level of participants with Angelman Syndrome


Genomic imprinting is implicated in the psychology of music



Mehr, S. A., Kotler, J., Howard, R. M., Haig, D., & Krasnow, M. M. (2017). Psychological Science.​


  • Developed E-Prime program for computer-based testing

  • Assisted in testing over 100 child subjects ages 5-17

  • Coded qualitative data and supervised undergraduate assistants in data coding


Welfare tradeoff psychology is present in children and adults



Howard, R. M., Spokes, A., Mehr, S. A. & Krasnow, M. M. (In Preparation). Preprint.​


  • Assisted in recruiting and testing over 100 child subjects ages 4-11

  • Organized and prepared data for statistical analysis


Universality and diversity in human song

The Natural History of Song Project



Mehr, S. A., Singh, M., Knox, D., Ketter, D. M., Pickens-Jones, D., Atwood, S., Lucas, C., Egner, A. A., Jacoby, N., Hopkins, E. J., Howard, R. M., Hartshorne, J. K., Jennings, M. V., Simson, J., Bainbridge, C. M., Pinker, S., O'Donnell, T. J., Krasnow, M. M., & Glowacki, L. (2019). Science.​


Mehr, S. A., Singh, M., York, H., Glowacki, L., & Krasnow, M. M. (2018). Current Biology.



New York Times: Can You Tell a Lullaby From a Love Song?

The Atlantic: A Study Suggests that People Can Hear Universal Traits in Music

Smithsonian: Your Brain Knows What Songs are for, No Matter Where they Came From

NPR: Some Types of Songs are Universally Identifiable, Study Suggests​

SciTech Daily: Five Year Harvard Study: Music Is Universal


  • One of four core researchers supporting a team of over 50 researchers

  • Coded qualitative ethnographic data and organized thousands of pieces of data


Charitable giving as partner choice

Nemirow, J., Krasnow, M. M., Howard, R. M., Pinker, S. (in preparation).​

  • Ran a computer-based study in the lab with groups of adults

  • Trained undergraduate assistants on testing procedures



Undergraduate Research

Fort Lewis College Psychology Department       Spring 2012

Advisor: Prof. Sharon Sears


The Effects of Listening to Music on Anxiety

Egner, A. A. (Poster Presented 2012)​


  • Submitted study to IRB, recruited and tested participants 

  • Developed all surveys and testing materials

  • Completed all data collection, coding, and analyses
























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