Business Analytics
We have statistics experts that can analyze your data to help you make your most important business decisions. Below are some of our most common analysis packages, but we can customize any type of research, visualization, modeling, forecasting, or other analytics that your business needs. Please contact us to discuss your project ideas and request a quote.
Whether you want to compare your profitability from last year to this year, or you need help planning for a specific profit goal, we can analyze your current business finances and recommend solutions to increase your profitability.
Wages are changing quickly across the country. We can help determine what your business can afford to pay your staff, how to structure your bonuses, or whether your compensation plan is fair.
Deciding on a pricing scheme for your products or services depends on many factors, including your market, your costs, and your revenue needs. We can do the research to help find a margin or pricing formula that makes sense for you.
Process Improvement
Efficiency is vital for ensuring your business is running at its best. We can analyze your processes and provide solutions for automation and improving efficiency and cost reduction.
Cash Flow
Properly forecasting your finances can make or break your business. We can help predict how long your cash will last, what kind of float you have, or determine the ideal timeline for applying for a line of credit.
It can be difficult to know what the best marketing tactics are, or what avenues are working best. We can help you determine where the best places to spend your money are.